Do WWE Superstars Pick Their Own Gear? Who Pays For It?

Do WWE wrestlers pay for their own gear?

Wrestling gear is a major part of the WWE, from the crown and throne attire of Triple H to the T-shirt, shorts and sneakers of John Cena, the gear is essential to the personas created in the WWE. 

With the versatility that comes with their gear, a lot of fans have been wondering if the WWE bears the cost for the production of the gear.

The answer to that question is a shocking NO!!!

All the gear that is paraded by the WWE superstars is created and paid for by the superstars themselves.

The WWE made sure to avoid bearing that cost, but also exploited it as a chance to give a bit of creative control to the wrestlers through their gear. 

Can WWE wrestlers pick their own gear?

WWE wrestlers have to pay for their gear and should be allowed to pick it, but that is not always the case as some storylines have shown.

A good example is what The Miz said in an interview, he openly explained that he preferred to wear tights, but Vince McMahon said he liked his legs, and he would have to wear shorts from then on.

So it seems that wrestlers are allowed to alter their gear but the look surrounding their respective storylines is dictated by the WWE. 

Miyu Yamashita
Miyu Yamashita

Where do wrestlers get their gear made?

WWE has a team of Seamstresses that take care of creating the gear for the wrestlers, but this does not mean that wrestlers are restricted to the gear created by the company alone.

Seamstresses would have to work with the wrestlers individually to create personalized gear, but the gear has to be approved by the promotion to ensure the look is in line with the storyline to be portrayed.

In my opinion, the WWE is taking too many measures to ensure the company is protected from any form of responsibility. 

Other wrestlers also create their gear themselves.

Some examples of wrestlers in this category are:

  • Jeff Hardy
  • Bianca Bel Air

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy

Bianca Bel Air

Bianca Bel Air
Bianca Bel Air

Jeff Hardy actually had to learn how to use a sewing machine to be able to create his own gear.

Bianca Bel Air is known for her shiny and yet impactful gear, she sported a “Black History in the making” Cape at NXT Takeover: Portland. 

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