How Can I Learn Pro Wrestling At Home?

In this article, you will learn:

  • How can I learn Pro wrestling at home?
  • Which professional moves can I practice at home?
  • Do I need special equipment to practice pro wrestling at home?
  • Can I learn pro wrestling online?

Pro wrestling moves are generally very advanced and require in-depth training.

That’s why it’s important that you contact a supervisor or seasoned teacher to guide you throughout the training session.

Before practicing any moves, make sure you are prepared both mentally and physically.

You can watch expert videos to start with, then proceed to physically condition your body.

All this will help you understand the risk of injury and teach you how to train safely.

Your main objective while training at home should be to keep your body fit, prepare yourself, and build your wrestling form.

After getting into form, you can then search for more resourceful facilities around your locality.

Finding a certified and reliable pro wrestling school will take you a step closer towards safely practicing Pro wrestling moves.

Here, we’ll look at professional moves created, reinvented, and performed by WWE superstars that you can practice at a wrestling facility around your home.

Which professional moves can I practice at home?

As you begin, you can start by learning simpler techniques such as:

  • Break falls
  • Rolls

In addition, you can variate and proceed to other skills such as elbow tie-ups or lock-ups.

Lock-ups may seem simple but they’re quite the thing as most wrestlers prefer kicking off matches with this technique.

If you want to learn very important tips on how to do lockups in Pro wrestling check our article:

6 Tips On How To Do A Lock Up In Pro Wrestling

With the aid of a trainer, you can try out more advanced pro wrestling moves such as:

  • The Suplex
  • The Sharpshooter
  • The DDT
  • The spear
  • The Andre slam
  • The RKO
  • The Cutter
  • The Boston Crab

A trainer can also help you learn the back bub, a move that helps you fall without risking a concussion or hurting your neck.

In this move, your back will make a solid impact on the ground, but your neck and head will be up, meaning you won’t cause any injury to the neck or head.

A supervisor will also teach you how to get up in anticipation of your opponent so that you aren’t caught off-guard.

You can also learn other moves with a skilled trainer. They include the flip bump, hitting the ropes, and collar to elbow lockups.

More advanced moves you can learn after these basics will include the hip toss, the arm drag, a body slam, and a Suplex.

From this point onward, chain wrestling will come in handy, as it involves a combination of basic and advanced moves in a single set.

In chain wrestling, you can follow this sequence in rapid succession: the collar to elbow lockup, hitting the ropes, the hip toss, and finally the Suplex, an RKO, a flip bump, an Andre slam, or a submission such as the Boston Crab.

Do I need special equipment to practice pro wrestling at home?

Safety gear minimizes the risk of accidents and injury.

We recommend wearing headgear, wrestling shoes, and loosely fitting clothes without zippers, metal parts, or buttons to make the training experience comfortable and 100% safe.

Also, accessories such as battle ropes and gripping objects will improve your physical strength. Skipping ropes are an excellent addition, as they help increase speed, stamina, and resilience.

You may also need additional gear for home training. These will include mats, mattresses, dumbbells, a medicine ball, and a stopwatch.

However, for practicing pro skills, you’ll mostly need a wrestling ring and a professional trainer.

How can I practice pro wrestling without a partner?

While training alone at home, you can run a sprint, and lift or pull weights.

The first course of action would be to identify your weaknesses and practice to improve your physicality afterward.

You can also practice alone in the ring by hitting the ropes, ducking under, and making break falls.

A break fall helps you to spread out your weight and minimize the extent of damage on your body during a fall.

Before and during every training session, you can warm up to get ready. Doing this will improve your form. You can try sit-outs, pushups, squats, bench presses, and dead-lifting.

The dos and don’ts of practicing pro wrestling at home

The extent to which you try out new moves depends on your experience as a wrestler. For example, most pro wrestlers can do the DDT and all kinds of Suplexes correctly and effectively.

However, if you are just beginning, make sure you communicate with your trainer.

Supervisors will teach you how to prepare your body in advance for complex moves. This way, you won’t risk getting hurt.

In addition, before starting your training, remember to visit your doctor to inform them of your plans or training schedule.

It’s also important to pay attention to your diet because good nutrition will keep you fit during training.

Can I learn pro wrestling online?

You can learn pro wrestling tips online by checking out tutorials and instructions from professional trainers.

For videos, make sure you pay close attention to each move. We highly recommend watching the video several times to understand the techniques perfectly.

Make sure to check out reliable YouTube channels and sites for better results.

Some of the best online tutorials and websites to learn from include wikiHow, Howcast, eHow, HowToWrestle, ringsking, Wolf Queen, Haroon Twins, and Til We Make It.

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